YANBONG.com 成立于2007年,其中YANBONG论坛广受欢迎,主要以即时上载方式运作,让会员能够随时分享及获得最新有关社会时事、生活资讯、潮流资讯等消息。网站会员主要遍布马来西亚及新加坡,除此之外YANBONG论坛也吸引了许多来自世界各地的中文会员。大家透过YANBONG全天候在网上进行交流与分享。

YANBONG.com established in 2007, YANBONG‘s Chinese Forum is one of the well-known discussion board in Malaysia, members are allowed to share and discuss the latest topic including politics, lifestyle, fashion, tech, sport, real estate, social media, and etc. The members majority are Malaysian and Singapore, also we have many Chinese visitors from all around the world.

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